Living with PIDs

Living with PIDs

We provide practical information and advice for parents, and those affected by primary immunodeficiency...



IPIA depends on our members to keep going... Find out the latest news and how you can help us raise vital funds for IPIA's research...



Help us raise awareness, and provide access to early diagnosis and optimal treatments for primary immunodeficiency patients...

Useful Contacts

Get details of clinical immunologists and patient groups, plus links to websites offering support and advice...

Welcome to IPIA

The Irish Primary Immunodeficiencies Association (IPIA) supports people and families affected by a primary immunodeficiency in Ireland. All our activities are funded entirely by donations and grants.

Our aims are to help ensure that those affected by a primary immunodeficiency have the knowledge needed to manage their condition effectively and to ensure that their health needs are understood and addressed by those involved in policy and delivery of healthcare.

Register with us and we'll keep you up-to-date with information, links and news...

We would like to say a special thanks to IPOPI for their funding, assistance and support in helping us with the website.
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Symptoms and Diagnosis...

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Advice for parents...

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JM Foundation

Our Sponsers

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